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Memory Game!

Are you ready to take on a more challenging gizDuino/Arduino project? Build, code and play this memory game. The gizDuino will generate a sequence of light pattern and waits for you to repeat the sequence. The sequence grows progressively longer, until your memory is broken. ;-)

Poor Man's Oscilloscope using gizDuino LIN-UNO

Build your own simple digital oscilloscope using a gizDuino LIN-UNO or Arduino Uno board. A rudimentary oscilloscope built using just the board plus a couple of jumper wires. A PC/Laptop running the oscilloscope app is used as the display unit.

Motion Detector Using gizDuino LIN-UNO

A great way to learn and understand basic sensor interfacing; hardware and software. It's easier than you think!

Guidelines for using gizDuino LIN 5V power output

- Understand the behavior and limitations of the onboard 5V power output and avoid common usage pitfalls.

- Know the available options and choose the best according to your application.

Gizduino LIN: Configuring LIN Physical Interface

A short but detailed discussion on the LIN interface pins and how to enable the interface by way of shorting selected solder jumper pads.

PBOT 2018: Using the onboard Servo functions with Ardublock

Servo positioning made easy with Ardublock - a graphical programming GUI made for Arduino. Even grade school children can build programs and have RC type servomotors in control like a pro.

Sketch and Ardublock example codes.

PBOT 2018: IR Collision Sensor with Ardublock

With the PBOT 2018 built-in IR collision sensor, you can program the robot to do a lot of fun things. For example, program it to go from one point to another, avoiding obstacle it encounters along the way all by itself. Make it navigate a maze autonomously.

Sketch and Ardublock example codes.

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