MiniBot ObstraSonic with Ultrasonic Sensor module that enables the robot to detect obstacles up front and avoid it. With open circuit design, the minibot enables the user to add more peripherals to satisfy their target functions. Fast mobile robot kit with the speed of 4.3sec/meter and with Pr..
MiniBot ObstraProx IR Proximity module that enables the robot to detect obstacles up front and avoid it. With open circuit design, the minibot enables the user to add more peripherals to satisfy their target functions. Fast mobile robot kit with the speed of 4.3sec/meter and with Proximity or ..
MiniBot Line is an entry level mobile robot kit with line detector module that enables the robot to follow a specific line until the line it follows ends. With open circuit design, the minibot enables the user to add more peripherals to satisfy their target functions. Program is changeable and can b..
Mini Robotic Arm Assembly with Gripper, 4 degrees of Freedom DOFNote: Mechanical Assembly only. Controller.electronics are sold separately.Servo Motors: 4x SG90Materials: 3mm Laser Cut Acrylicimportant: Color may varyWorks with USB (5V Input Supply), additional features 4 suction caps that you can a..